The Eel River Canyon, or the “Grand Canyon of the Eel River” as some call it, is a stunning region. For over 50 miles the mainstem of the Wild and Scenic Eel River carves its way through the Franciscan formation, revealing masses of serpentine, and surrounded by steep cliffs, oak woodlands, and large parcels of diverse and connected wildlife habitat.
The Northwestern Pacific Railroad runs through the canyon parallel to the river. Its a feature whose impacts on the landscape are impossible to miss. Tributaries, important sources of cold water and access to off-channel spawning and rearing habitat, were filled in to create railroad crossings. Over 40 tunnels were carved along the entire right of way. And remnants of countless derailments and accidents are left sprawled across the landscape and in the river itself.
The railroad was completed in 1914, but the inaugural run was delayed by a landslide – something that would prove to be a common experience on the line. While in operation, the Northwestern Pacific Railroad was the most expensive line to maintain and by 1996 it was permanently closed.
Now, lead by the visionary efforts of Senator Mike McGuire, stakeholders from San Francisco to Eureka are working together to create the Great Redwood Trail. When finished, this rails-to-trails project will span 320 miles and connect small communities to fantastic (and ecologically appropriate) outdoor recreation opportunities.
On October 24 the federal Surface Transportation Board finally ruled to issue a Notice of Interim Trail Use and complete the years-long railbanking process. This means it’s full speed ahead for the Great Redwood Trail. Because the state owns the right of way, the master planning process (underway now – get involved here) will transition efficiently to trail construction.
See below for links to all of FOER’s submissions to the Surface Transportation Board over the last year and a half.
Friends of the Eel River filings to the Surface Transportation Board
FOER and California Coastal Commission re Motion to Dismiss Mendocino Railway OFA 10.19.2022
FOER and Sierra Club re North Coast Railroad Company (coal train) OFA 7.9.2022
FOER additional comments on Corrected Draft EA 7.7.2022
FOER and Sierra Club re Comments on Corrected Draft EA 7.7.2022
FOER Motion to Reject North Coast Railroad Company (coal train) Notice of Intent 6.6.2022
FOER re NCRA Abandonment Exemption 9.15.2021
FOER re NCRA Abandonment Exemption 7.30.2021
Click here to see the entire STB docket, select AB_1305_X, in the fields provided.